This picture is a little hazy because I was shooting through the window of the plane. At the top left you see Sandy Point, the turtle nesting grounds I mentioned. That is the Southwest corner of the island. If you look closely you can see the Frederiksted Pier in the middle of the western coast. The steep rugged coastline in the bottom left is Annaly Bay. This is a very historic part of the island. Many years ago escaped slaves fled to this part of the island to hide from their owners. Many died. Some built or found (stole?) small boats and escaped to freedom in Puerto Rico. The region is being threatened because someone wants to build a massive resort along that ridgeline and destroy some of the rugged coastline to build beaches there. I have a "Save Annaly" bumper sticker that I saw on many cars on the island.

This is a picture of part of the Mississippi Delta as we were approaching New Orleans.

I just had to include this lovely picture from the airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The airplane is the one we flew in on from St Croix. We got off the plane and then slowly loaded onto the shuttle bus. This took 10-15 minutes to fill both shuttle buses. Then the buses started moving slowly and travelled all of 40 yards and then parked at the terminal building where we disembarked. When we realized how short a distance we had to travel in the bus we all started laughing. We could have walked there much faster.
Thanks for looking at the pictures. We had a really wonderful time. It was hard to come home but we knew we couldn't stay becuase we had to get home to Ella and Grandma Kathie. Boy were they glad to see us. Now we just have the memories and the pictures. But they will help keep us warm in the cold (okay okay...) in the
cool Texas winter.