She can hear me take out the Kitchenaid mixer from anywhere in the house, and comes running. She knows that good things come out of that stainless steel bowl. She likes to help me, which means that sometimes a recipe receives an extra splash of vanilla (or "fanilla", as she calls it), sometimes a little flour gets dumped on the floor... So far we have avoided any egg disasters, knock on wood. The best was the day she sneaked a spoonful from the mixer bowl while my back was turned. When I faced her, she had the empty spoon inches from her mouth and a horrible look on her face. She had just taken a big ol' mouthful of unsweetened cocoa powder. In this picture, though, the cocoa was fully incorporated and sweetened:
We had company for Thanksgiving! Our sister-in-law Veronica and her kids Cata and Nico came for a few days, and we had so much fun. The cousins loved every minute together. Ella and Nico have been good buddies ever since they were tiny.
Ah, the traditional pie face picture! As long as I was making a pecan and a pumpkin for us, I also made one more of each to give to friends. I bake--it's what I do.
We rarely share Thanksgiving with extended family, so it was a real treat to have Vero and the kids with us. We ate and ate and ate some more, went to the park, ate, took in a movie, ate and ate. Good times.