Of course, Katie couldn't resist a little visit to the Pirate's Lair at Tom Sawyer's Island to get a little attention from Captain Jack Sparrow.
Our first day in the park, we went straight to the Finding Nemo Submarine ride. We were in Bruce's first catch of the day (first submarine). It was a good thing too, because the line got totally out of control. The second day we decided to hit Autopia first, and what a good idea that was. As we were exiting Autopia, there were two cast members handing out the special "Year of a Million Dreams, Dream Fastpass". This pass, worn around the neck had one tab for each ride in the park that offered a fast pass. What a great deal that was! It gave us a goal for the day as we tried to use as many as we could, within reason, of course. After a while, we started getting too woozy to go on the pukie rides. But it was fun!
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