That said, it is amusing that my first blog is about running. I don't run far and I don't run fast, but I did run part of a marathon on May 17, 2008. 11 friends and I participated in the annual Beach to Bay Relay Marathon in Corpus Christi, Texas. The 26.2 mile race begins on the beach and ends along the bay, and is run by six-person teams. We had two teams so that we'd have running buddies.
My pal Erika and me. She had run a half marathon a few weeks before, but she very graciously kept to my pace, which was, in a word, slow.
The trade-off--there were actuall batons! Passing the batons was definitely the coolest part of the race.
Here are our two teams at the finish line. Dig the medals! The matching shirts were a stroke of genius (thank you, Kim) because there were thousands of runners and finding teammates was tricky.
After the race a bunch of us spent the afternoon at the beach with our families.
Hey, i'm glad you were able to rescue Greg's blog. I was thinking about getting my Dad this Razor that is the new star at the Willden house. Did Greg get his online or from the Art of Shaving store?
Hi Megan,
I bought it online. Look farther down the blog and you'll see the shaving post that Katie was complaining about. It has links to places to buy them.
Hey! We had fun with your guys last night at the stake dance! It seems that Scott is all into shaving now as well and he doesn't even have the razor yet. Good job on the marathon!
Nice pictures. Ella looks so cute in the sand.
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