My baby started kindergarten last week! Her school is just down the street, so we walk there every morning. School starts at 7:45am so it's just barely getting light when we leave the house at 7:15am. Good grief. Anyway, on the first day I swaddled Natalie into the Moby wrap and off we went. The kinder hallway was a mob scene. I kissed Ella and she gave me a quick hug and a "'Bye, Mom!" and disappeared inside the room. The doorway was immediately full of parents snapping "action shots" of their tots hanging up their gargantuan backpacks, wandering aimlessly around the room, etc. I shed a tear and made my way out of the school, passing a budding Scorcese, armed with his camcorder, who was setting up the perfect shot of his precious one entering the classroom for the first time.
We took pictures in the front yard and then left the camera at home. This is the outfit Ella picked out for the first day of school. She's all about leopard print and sparkles, of course.

A couple days into school Ella said she wanted a haircut, short "like the girl in Parent Trap". I assumed she meant Lindsey Lohan, not Haley Mills. The five inches of Haley Mills forehead would not be a good look on her (or anyone, including Haley Mills).
Ella! I love the hair. Quite stylish. Livy just got her haircut too...and she screamed like a little banshee--no big surprise there. How is Ella's hair so dang shiny?
Too cute, and congrats on Kindergarten! (What has the 1st day of school come too, when you have video cameras capturing every movement? And more parents than students at school) :)
I love all the pictures and Ella's haircut. We miss you guys.
Wow! She's grown up a lot since I saw her at our wedding reception. I guess it HAS been 4 years, lol. seems like yesterday!
Oh I remember the day that my boys went off to Kindergarten. Now they are getting baptized. Where does the time go. It was just yesterday that we were tracting in Seattle and eating with Palacios family.
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