Here we are at the dolphin feeding pool. Greg totally paid that dolphin to pose for us. (Do you pay a dolphin in fish?)
Natalie liked the Viva show, which we went to with our friends the Walkers. Diving, synchronized swimming, acrobatics, dolphins, belugas, and a funny guy--what's not to like? She enjoyed clapping along with the audience. Oh, and she had to wear her shades, of course, because she is really into accessories lately. She would have worn my red heels to the park if she could have somehow gotten away with it.
Once again our friend Valerie (who ROCKS!) took us backstage at Viva, where she trains dolphins and beluga whales. We saw a baby dolphin that was only a week old--cutest thing ever, and impossible to photograph. (Her mother looked tired. Amen, sister.) The belugas were very friendly--I suppose it helped that we had a bucket of fish on hand. One of the whales spit on Ella, which she thought was great. They feel kind of soft and squishy, in case you were wondering. Thanks so much, Valerie!
My boys love Sea World. One of the pros for moving back here was that sea world was closer.
WOW to have such special friends to get you back stage. What a fun time you had...Lucky You! Gary and I our jealous....
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