Apparently she was in the mood for some Rice Chex mixed with floor dust. Notice that her binkie ("Bee") and fuzzy ("Fuh") were both within arms reach, as always. Another day, I came downstairs after my shower and found her very happily sitting and watching Elmo like this:
Binkie and Fuzzy, together again! I removed her and five minutes later she was back in the drawer. Another day her BFF Tyler came to play. It's a good thing he's a solidly built little dude because she really rolls him around. She decided he needed a little help with his Cheerios, whether he liked it or not:
Did you notice the cute little ponies she was sporting in her hair in the last picture? It's her latest look--they look like two pompoms stuck to her head. Here's what her hair looks like at the end of the day when her dad removes the rubber bands and brushes her hair:
She saw the camera coming and said, "Chee!" and made that lovely face. There appears to be something lodged in her hair--not an uncommon occurrence.
And tomorrow I get to clean up the pile of rice and chicken bits that she threw on the floor at dinner time. (She likes to throw food on the floor and then shake her finger at me, saying, "No! No! No!") I've learned by experience that rice is much easier to sweep up when dry and crunchy. Oh, the things that this kid is teaching me!
I can't get over her hair!! Love this cute tasmanian little girl! She is the boss.
I remember those days. Just imagine having two of them that age. Oh the horror even now years later. I would like to tell you this phase goes away but well it doesn't. I have learned to walk past their room and close the door without looking in.
If it makes you feel any better, the same events are occurring at our home. Getting into things, smashing food, throwing food on the ground, and of course, the "No, no, no!" with a finger shake is expressed far too often. We have not experienced using a drawer for a seat yet, but our monkey is climbing on everything. Hang in there - I'm picking up rice too.
I love her hair! What a unique personality you have in that child. We missed you at church today!
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