So, in the 5th grade I was diagnosed with activity-induced asthma, and I spent at least the next 15 years wheezing. After I got married I finally saw a specialist who helped me get things under control, and I can now do most anything without any medication at all. Really, it is a miracle. I can remember dreading having to run "The Mile" in middle school because by the end I would literally be on the ground, gasping for air. (You would think that the oh-so compassionate PE teachers would have noticed something amiss, but nooooo...) But today I did a freshman triathlon--200 meter swim, 10 mile bike ride, and 2 mile run. And I finished! When I signed up my cavalier attitude was something along the lines of, "I know I'm slow, but I'll do it just for fun." A couple days ago, though, panic set in, and I was sure I'd be the last one to cross the finish line. I had a nightmare at 2:30am about running before swimming and therefore messing everything up. I woke up at 5:30 this morning thinking, "Why am I doing this again?"
But you know, I did it! Here I am plugging along in the swim. The pool sure didn't look that big, and I only had to do 4 laps there and back, but wow was I glad when it was over. I think my swim cap is super chic.

Here I am leaving the transition area with my granny bike. I love it--it's super-sturdy and comfortable to ride. Also super-heavy and slow, but oh well. The ride was by far my favorite part, but the whole time (as my lungs adjusted to life after the swim) I couldn't stop thinking, "And they expect me to be able to RUN after this?!"

And I'm off! I didn't make it very far before I had to walk (oh, and readjust my $5 shorts so they wouldn't fall down around my ankles) but I did run on and off the rest of the way. I ran the last 200 yards to the finish, of course.

And here I am with my babies, who cheered me on with their daddy every step of the way. I came in 197th overall (out of 250+)--not bad for the little wheezer that could!
Triple YEEHA for you! What a fun morning we had -- thanks for doing this with me!
Good for you!
Go Katie, Go Katie, Go Katie!!! Awesome!!!
Good for you! You're way braver than I am.
:) Kara
Congrats!! I am glad that you didn't end up losing those shorts during your run! I think the swimming would have done me in. I am a HORRIBLE swimmer--I would probably over-exhausted myself dog-paddling! I don't think that I have ever biked 10 miles all at one (sad, I know). But I have run a half-marathon, but my legs would have probably been jello after the bike ride, and someone would have had to wheel me to the finish line....GOOD JOB! You are far more brave than I. Glad to hear that you did well! :)
Way to go!!
You did it! I knew you could. Rock on!
Nice job Katie! I'd never even dare try...too scary for me.
Yay for you! I want to sign up for the next one with you. :)
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