We spent the 4th in Centerville, UT, where they celebrated the 4th on the 2nd (?). The day began with the annual Freedom Run 5K, the longest footrace I had yet done. I ran the whole way and finished! Of course, my time was just a hair under double Greg's time, and Kelsey walked the dog most of the way and still beat me. There were grandmas out there that I couldn't catch up with. The whole way my mantra was, "I have short, little legs!"
Next was the main event: The Centerville 4th of July Parade, where the candy haul rivals Halloween:
Back home at Grandma and Grandpa's we had a big lunch (barbecued chicken and apple pie--mmmm...) and then began the 1st Annual Willden Olympics. Events included a doughnut-eating contest:
A balloon and squirt bottle tether-ball game:
And a water balloon toss. We began with your basic person-to-person toss, then brought out towels and launched the balloons as teams:
It was a fun, fun day. Everyone received a medal for their stellar performance, and we later capped the day with a fireworks display a la Michael (not pictured because it was too darned dark).
The pie was delicious because you made it. And, we all look amazing with wide open mouths chasing down the donuts. Flattering.
Looks like a lot of fun! Here in the RGV we just about died from the heat during the morning parade then I took the girls to play at the spray park while the boys took a nap. Did cool off enough to enjoy the fireworks, though.
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