Greg's parents have spent years building a cabin on property on the south fork of the Ogden River, and it is lookin' GOOD. Ten years ago, when I first visited the cabin, it was just a log shell of a building. Now there is a kitchen, bathroom, furniture, flooring... It's an honest-to-goodness cabin! The cousins had a grand time playing together in and out of the river. Here are Laurinda, Ella, Catalina, Lindley, Nicolas, and Jacob, Willdens one and all.

Greg took time off from moving rocks (Have you never moved rocks? Oh, man, according to the Willden brothers, you have not LIVED until you have rearranged river rocks.) to help his girls play in the (FREEZING) river. You will notice I was on the bank, taking the pictures.

The cousins got to stay up late watching a movie, then bunked together upstairs.

Got to love the camping hair.
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